//// Rescue Balm 50g by Purabe – Alive Wholefoods
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Rescue Balm 50g by Purabe

Rp 135.000

Product Information

Ingredients : Rose, Calendula, Jasmine, Green tea, Basil, Oregano, Sea buckthorn, Rosehip, Shea butter & Other natural ingredients Good For...Read more

Product Information Detail

Ingredients :
Rose, Calendula, Jasmine, Green tea, Basil, Oregano, Sea buckthorn, Rosehip, Shea butter & Other natural ingredients

Good For :
To ease sunburn, dry skin, rough hands, cracked heals, and more

How to use :

Apply a thin layer to the affected area.


18 months, keep in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight.


Ingredients :
Rose, Calendula, Jasmine, Green tea, Basil, Oregano, Sea buckthorn, Rosehip, Shea butter & Other natural ingredients

Good For :
To ease sunburn, dry skin, rough hands, cracked heals, and more

How to use :

Apply a thin layer to the affected area.


18 months, keep in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight.


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