//// Shower Gel Calming Lavender 100ml By Embun Natural – Alive Wholefoods
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Shower Gel Calming Lavender 100ml By Embun Natural

Rp 85.000

Product Information

Cleanse, hydrate, and soften your skin with this all natural shower gel with the moisturizing benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil...Read more

Product Information Detail

Cleanse, hydrate, and soften your skin with this all natural shower gel with the moisturizing benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil and calming Lavender Essential Oil.

Lavender is long renowned for its calming effects, it is the perfect thing to relax your nerves, lift your senses and reduce anxiety as well as promoting good night sleep. For best result, combine treatment with Embun Body Lotion Calming Lavender after showering.


Cleanse, hydrate, and soften your skin with this all natural shower gel with the moisturizing benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil and calming Lavender Essential Oil.

Lavender is long renowned for its calming effects, it is the perfect thing to relax your nerves, lift your senses and reduce anxiety as well as promoting good night sleep. For best result, combine treatment with Embun Body Lotion Calming Lavender after showering.


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