//// Black Pepper Goat Cheese – Rosalie Cheese 130g (round) – Alive Wholefoods
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Black Pepper Goat Cheese - Rosalie Cheese 130g (round)

Rp 60.000

Product Information

Black Pepper Goat Cheese(Made in Bali) Fresh Goat Cheese w/crushed black pepperSpicy, Tangy & Full of Flavour,  Aged 2 – 10 days,Form:...Read more

Product Information Detail

Black Pepper Goat Cheese
(Made in Bali)

Fresh Goat Cheese w/crushed black pepper

Spicy, Tangy & Full of Flavour,


Aged 2 – 10 days,

Form: 120gr - 130gr


Ingredients: Natural Local Goat's Milk, Vegetable Rennet, Culture, Black Pepper & Salt

This cheese is great on Cheeseboard or with warm crusty bread and drizzle with honey.


Shelf Life: 1 month vacuum pack. Store in the fridge at 4C at all time.


Black Pepper Goat Cheese
(Made in Bali)

Fresh Goat Cheese w/crushed black pepper

Spicy, Tangy & Full of Flavour,


Aged 2 – 10 days,

Form: 120gr - 130gr


Ingredients: Natural Local Goat's Milk, Vegetable Rennet, Culture, Black Pepper & Salt

This cheese is great on Cheeseboard or with warm crusty bread and drizzle with honey.


Shelf Life: 1 month vacuum pack. Store in the fridge at 4C at all time.


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