//// Avani Bags x10 – Alive Wholefoods

Avani Bags x10

Rp 20.000

Product Information

SUSTAINABLE DISPOSABLE BAGS Made from cassava flour... we LOVE!! Important Notes: Cassava bags have shelf life up to 2 years,...Read more

Product Information Detail


Made from cassava flour... we LOVE!!

Important Notes:

  • Cassava bags have shelf life up to 2 years, if/when stored in its original protective PE packing
  • Once the PE packing is opened, shelf life of cassava bags shortens to months (less than a year)
  • Cassava bags must be stored in clean room with a good air circulation and natural ventilation, humidity must be avoided
  • Avoid contact of Cassava bags with water or anything that will cause the cassava bags to be wet


Check out www.avanime.eco for more info :)



Made from cassava flour... we LOVE!!

Important Notes:

  • Cassava bags have shelf life up to 2 years, if/when stored in its original protective PE packing
  • Once the PE packing is opened, shelf life of cassava bags shortens to months (less than a year)
  • Cassava bags must be stored in clean room with a good air circulation and natural ventilation, humidity must be avoided
  • Avoid contact of Cassava bags with water or anything that will cause the cassava bags to be wet


Check out www.avanime.eco for more info :)


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