//// Vegetable Wash by Pure & Simple 250ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Vegetable Wash by Pure & Simple 250ml

Rp 35.000

Product Information

For all the produce you buy from Non Organic stores! ;)   Non-Organic fruits and vegetables that look clean from...Read more

Product Information Detail

For all the produce you buy from Non Organic stores! ;)


Non-Organic fruits and vegetables that look clean from the outside are not necessarily safe to consume immediately.


Wash vegetables

How: Wash fruits and vegetables under Pure and Simple Veggie Wash for 30-60 seconds.

- Then repeat while rubbing the fruit and vegetable skin to help push the bacteria away. Don't rub too hard so you don't damage the fruit and vegetables.

- For some vegetables such as kale and spinach, it needs to be soaked in water for a few minutes because there is a lot of dirt attached to the leaves. After that wash with running water.


In some studies, soaking some vegetables and then rinsing can remove 98 percent of the bacteria.



For all the produce you buy from Non Organic stores! ;)


Non-Organic fruits and vegetables that look clean from the outside are not necessarily safe to consume immediately.


Wash vegetables

How: Wash fruits and vegetables under Pure and Simple Veggie Wash for 30-60 seconds.

- Then repeat while rubbing the fruit and vegetable skin to help push the bacteria away. Don't rub too hard so you don't damage the fruit and vegetables.

- For some vegetables such as kale and spinach, it needs to be soaked in water for a few minutes because there is a lot of dirt attached to the leaves. After that wash with running water.


In some studies, soaking some vegetables and then rinsing can remove 98 percent of the bacteria.



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