//// Sparkling Kombucha Green Mango by Mosaic 330ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Sparkling Kombucha Green Mango by Mosaic 330ml

Rp 45.000

Product Information

Sparkling Kombucha Green Mango   Local, Fresh, Probiotic, Handcrafted. a proprietary flavour formula using fresh ingredients with a proprietary process...Read more

Product Information Detail

Sparkling Kombucha

Green Mango


Local, Fresh, Probiotic, Handcrafted.

a proprietary flavour formula using fresh ingredients with a proprietary process & culture


  • Refreshing and healthy tea that is low in sugar,
  • Process is similar to making beer, cider and vinegar - culture of yeast & bacteria transforms tea into kombucha,
  • Like yogurt, healthy benefits stem from probiotics (beneficial bacteria) which aid digestion and immune response
  • Today, serving as key alternative to sugary sodas and artificial beverages



Sparkling Kombucha

Green Mango


Local, Fresh, Probiotic, Handcrafted.

a proprietary flavour formula using fresh ingredients with a proprietary process & culture


  • Refreshing and healthy tea that is low in sugar,
  • Process is similar to making beer, cider and vinegar - culture of yeast & bacteria transforms tea into kombucha,
  • Like yogurt, healthy benefits stem from probiotics (beneficial bacteria) which aid digestion and immune response
  • Today, serving as key alternative to sugary sodas and artificial beverages



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