//// Norwegian One Smoked Salmon Slice 100g – Alive Wholefoods
All product / Meat Fish & Eggs / Norwegian One Smoked Salmon Slice 100g

Norwegian One Smoked Salmon Slice 100g

Rp 84.000

Product Information

Smoked Salmon Slice 100g Wild caught All salmon have lean and fatty flesh. The closer you get to the skin,...Read more

Product Information Detail

Smoked Salmon Slice 100g
Wild caught

All salmon have lean and fatty flesh. The closer you get to the skin, the fattier it becomes. Some people prefer fatty, some prefer lean.


Smoked Salmon Slice 100g
Wild caught

All salmon have lean and fatty flesh. The closer you get to the skin, the fattier it becomes. Some people prefer fatty, some prefer lean.


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