//// Japanese Marukome Ikkyusan Miso Paste 1Kg – Alive Wholefoods
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Japanese Marukome Ikkyusan Miso Paste 1Kg

Rp 115.000

Product Information

Ingredients: Soybean (Non Genetically Modified), Rice, Salt, Bonito Extract, Bonito Powder, Kelp Extract, Seasoning ( Amino Acid etc), Alcohol How...Read more

Product Information Detail

Soybean (Non Genetically Modified), Rice, Salt, Bonito Extract, Bonito Powder, Kelp Extract, Seasoning ( Amino Acid etc), Alcohol

How to make miso soup (4 servings):
1. Boil 800ml water in Pot
2. Add 150g Tofu, 40g wakame seaweed and cook for 2-3 minutes
3. Turn off heat, Gently dissolve 3 tablespoon (60g) of miso paste
4. Re-heat pot.
Turn off heat as soon as the soup starts boiling.



Soybean (Non Genetically Modified), Rice, Salt, Bonito Extract, Bonito Powder, Kelp Extract, Seasoning ( Amino Acid etc), Alcohol

How to make miso soup (4 servings):
1. Boil 800ml water in Pot
2. Add 150g Tofu, 40g wakame seaweed and cook for 2-3 minutes
3. Turn off heat, Gently dissolve 3 tablespoon (60g) of miso paste
4. Re-heat pot.
Turn off heat as soon as the soup starts boiling.



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