//// Tree-Free Toilet Paper by Tisoo – Alive Wholefoods
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Tree-Free Toilet Paper by Tisoo

Rp 12.000

Product Information

Tree free toilet pepper 250 sheets with strong 3 ply and extra soft We are made from 100% bamboo fibres...Read more

Product Information Detail

Tree free toilet pepper 250 sheets with strong 3 ply and extra soft

We are made from 100% bamboo fibres and zero wood pulp. Yes, this includes our biodegradable bamboo core.
We love trees and we bet you do too

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Tree free toilet pepper 250 sheets with strong 3 ply and extra soft

We are made from 100% bamboo fibres and zero wood pulp. Yes, this includes our biodegradable bamboo core.
We love trees and we bet you do too


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