//// Pack Your Bags! Bali is open for tourists again! – Alive Wholefoods
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Pack Your Bags! Bali is open for tourists again!

Pack Your Bags! Bali is open for tourists again!

*** Updated with the latest info March 23rd***

Pack your bags people!

The words so many of you have been waiting to hear – tourists can now fly into Bali and get a Visa on Arrival (VOA)!


The latest official updates have been released – and we were excited to see that even though it’s not quite as simple as the pre-pandemic days, it’s definitely a big step in the right direction!

It’s the first time since the start of the pandemic that Indonesia is allowing international travellers entering Bali to purchase a visa on arrival and skip quarantine but there are few requirements to meet to qualify.

So here is everything you need to know about the latest visa changes valid from the 21st of March, 2022.

  • The VOA is not available to everyone! We hope that will change soon, but for now you must be a citizen of one of these 42 countries – Australia, the US, Netherlands, Brunei, Philippines, the UK, Italy, Japan, Germany, Cambodia, Canada, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, France, Qatar, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam. South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, India, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Seychelles, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Tunisia.


  • To qualify for the VOA and quarantine free entry, travellers must also present a valid vaccination certificate showing 2 or 3 doses and be holding a negative PCR test taken no earlier than 48 hours prior to your departure.


  • All travellers must be holding health insurance that covers Covid-19 and will need to prove they have a hotel stay for the first night booked in a ‘CHSE’ certified hotel**. Honeycombers Bali have a great list of approved accomodation here.

If your country of residence is not the list of countries permitted to purchase at VOA, you’re still able to come to Bali, but you’ll be subject to travel restrictions, including having to undergo three days of hotel quarantine, mandatory PCR testing and obtaining a visa prior to departure. 

  • The cost of the new VOA is Rp. 500,000 which is just under $50 Australian dollars and is valid for 30 days. You then have the option to extend this for 30 days at an extra cost.
  • If you travelled to Indonesia pre-pandemic you might remember needing to have 6 months validity on your passport and be holding a return ticket to your country of origin – this is still required! Don’t get caught out, if your passport is expiring around your travel time better get it renewed now.
  • And lastly, before jumping on that plane you’ll need to fill out both the online customs declaration form and download the PenduliLindungi app to fill out the e-HAC form.

It’s been a rollercoaster 2 years here in Bali, and while we have on one hand enjoyed the calm, less hectic time, it’s been devastating for the economy with most local businesses relying heavily on tourism.  The upside of this has seen charities like SOS Indonesia bringing community together to help those in need and we have been so blessed to be able to support them however we can. 

Bali is waiting to welcome you back – and so are we!

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** (CHSE stands for Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability and your hotel or homestay will be able to advise you if they fall into this category. They will be able to show you a certificate to prove this which you can keep in your records.

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