//// All In One Detox, Instant Tea by Ming Herbs 60g – Alive Wholefoods
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All In One Detox, Instant Tea by Ming Herbs 60g

Rp 525.000

Product Information

All In One Detox, Instant Tea 60g/ 30 servings Cleanses Kidney, Liver & Gut Ingredients: 10:1 extract of burdock root,...Read more

Product Information Detail

All In One Detox, Instant Tea 60g/ 30 servings

Cleanses Kidney, Liver & Gut

10:1 extract of burdock root, white oak bark, corn silk, uva ursi, marshmallow, chanca piedra, milk thistle, cleaver, plantain, poke root, black walnut hull, slippery elm

How to Use:
Add 1 teaspoon of extract into hot water. Add more extract to increase potency when needed. Drink 2 cups a day.

Herbal extract is predigested herb that is easily absorbed in the gut

Keep your tea sealed in a dry place and away from heat



All In One Detox, Instant Tea 60g/ 30 servings

Cleanses Kidney, Liver & Gut

10:1 extract of burdock root, white oak bark, corn silk, uva ursi, marshmallow, chanca piedra, milk thistle, cleaver, plantain, poke root, black walnut hull, slippery elm

How to Use:
Add 1 teaspoon of extract into hot water. Add more extract to increase potency when needed. Drink 2 cups a day.

Herbal extract is predigested herb that is easily absorbed in the gut

Keep your tea sealed in a dry place and away from heat



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