//// Aloe Vera Gel by Bali Radiance 100ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Aloe Vera Gel by Bali Radiance 100ml

Rp 89.000

Product Information

Aloe vera contains something called proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp. Hydrates, cools,and shoothes the skin...Read more

Product Information Detail

Aloe vera contains something called proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp.
Hydrates, cools,and shoothes the skin

Ingredients : Alove Vera Extract, Vitamin C, Alchohol, Aquadest , Essential Oil Blend (Lavender, Lemon, Sandalwood)


Aloe vera contains something called proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp.
Hydrates, cools,and shoothes the skin

Ingredients : Alove Vera Extract, Vitamin C, Alchohol, Aquadest , Essential Oil Blend (Lavender, Lemon, Sandalwood)


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