//// Argentinian Empanadas by Alfajores – Alive Wholefoods
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Argentinian Empanadas by Alfajores

Rp 0

Product Information

Argentinian Empanadas pack of 4  by Alfajores Chicken Empanadas Ingredients: Chicken, Onion, Red Paprika, Spring Onion Beef Empanadas Ingredients: Onion,...Read more

Product Information Detail

Argentinian Empanadas pack of 4  by Alfajores

Chicken Empanadas
Ingredients: Chicken, Onion, Red Paprika, Spring Onion

Beef Empanadas
Ingredients: Onion, Red Paprika, Beef, Boild Eggs

How to cook
Oven : Preheat oven to 22c degrees, place on parchment, lined baking sheets, brush tops with eggs (optional), then bake until golden brown (20 mins approx

Deep Fry : Fried in hot oil both sides until brown

Argentinian Empanadas pack of 4  by Alfajores

Chicken Empanadas
Ingredients: Chicken, Onion, Red Paprika, Spring Onion

Beef Empanadas
Ingredients: Onion, Red Paprika, Beef, Boild Eggs

How to cook
Oven : Preheat oven to 22c degrees, place on parchment, lined baking sheets, brush tops with eggs (optional), then bake until golden brown (20 mins approx

Deep Fry : Fried in hot oil both sides until brown


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