//// Beeswax Wraps Beehave Mixed of 5 Sets – Alive Wholefoods
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Beeswax Wraps Beehave Mixed of 5 Sets

Rp 225.000

Product Information

Bees wax wraps are a fun, easy way to start. They are handmade using the finest bees wax, cotton fabric...Read more

Product Information Detail

Bees wax wraps are a fun, easy way to start. They are handmade using the finest bees wax, cotton fabric and organic coconut oil. They are nontoxic, antibacterial and biodegradable. They keep food incredible fresh…and make your fridge look super pretty.


Bees wax wraps are a fun, easy way to start. They are handmade using the finest bees wax, cotton fabric and organic coconut oil. They are nontoxic, antibacterial and biodegradable. They keep food incredible fresh…and make your fridge look super pretty.


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