//// Cacau Turmeric Latte by Daun 75g – Alive Wholefoods
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Cacau Turmeric Latte by Daun 75g

Rp 110.000

Product Information

This symphonious synergy of Cacao and Turmeric serves a perfect gut-friendly alternative to your morning latte ritual. Ingredients:Turmeric*, Raw Cacao*, Ginger*,...Read more

Product Information Detail

This symphonious synergy of Cacao and Turmeric serves a perfect gut-friendly alternative to your morning latte ritual. 


Turmeric*, Raw Cacao*, Ginger*, Cinnamon*, Cardamom*, Chilli, Black Pepper


A packaged blend at 75g yields 15 cups.


This symphonious synergy of Cacao and Turmeric serves a perfect gut-friendly alternative to your morning latte ritual. 


Turmeric*, Raw Cacao*, Ginger*, Cinnamon*, Cardamom*, Chilli, Black Pepper


A packaged blend at 75g yields 15 cups.


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