//// Calming Tea by Angelo Store 50g – Alive Wholefoods
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Calming Tea by Angelo Store 50g

Rp 50.000

Product Information

Produced by Angelo Store.100% Natural Organic Medicinal Herbs/Herbal Tea Blends. Ingredients: White Tumeric,  Lemongrass, Rosella, Temu Lawak, Gotu Kola, Cinnamon, Cardamomon,...Read more

Product Information Detail

Produced by Angelo Store.

100% Natural Organic Medicinal Herbs/Herbal Tea Blends.



White Tumeric,  Lemongrass, Rosella, Temu Lawak, Gotu Kola, Cinnamon, Cardamomon, Fennel, Pandanus


Calming tea by Angelo not only reduces stress and anxiety, but it also helps treat insomnia. Just like peppermint tea, chamomile tea has great benefits in relaxing the muscles and reducing irritability. For dry chamomile, add 3-4 tablespoons in 8 ounces of boiling water. Allow to Steep for 5 minutes


Produced by Angelo Store.

100% Natural Organic Medicinal Herbs/Herbal Tea Blends.



White Tumeric,  Lemongrass, Rosella, Temu Lawak, Gotu Kola, Cinnamon, Cardamomon, Fennel, Pandanus


Calming tea by Angelo not only reduces stress and anxiety, but it also helps treat insomnia. Just like peppermint tea, chamomile tea has great benefits in relaxing the muscles and reducing irritability. For dry chamomile, add 3-4 tablespoons in 8 ounces of boiling water. Allow to Steep for 5 minutes


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