//// Certified Organic Black Rice by Bali Jiwa per 100g – Alive Wholefoods
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Certified Organic Black Rice by Bali Jiwa per 100g

Rp 4.900

Product Information

Certified Organic Balinese Black Rice - Bali Jiwa1 kg   Engage Organic for better living, Gluten Free. Free of Preservationand...Read more

Product Information Detail

Certified Organic Balinese Black Rice - Bali Jiwa1 kg


Engage Organic for better living, Gluten Free.

Free of Preservationand artificial coloring. Free of chemical pesticide, GMO free.


While whole grain brown rice and red rice also contain beneficial antioxidants, only black rice contains anthocyanin. Additionally, black rice also contains important antioxidant Vitamin E, which is useful in maintaining eye, skin, and immune health in addition to other important functions...









Certified Organic Balinese Black Rice - Bali Jiwa1 kg


Engage Organic for better living, Gluten Free.

Free of Preservationand artificial coloring. Free of chemical pesticide, GMO free.


While whole grain brown rice and red rice also contain beneficial antioxidants, only black rice contains anthocyanin. Additionally, black rice also contains important antioxidant Vitamin E, which is useful in maintaining eye, skin, and immune health in addition to other important functions...









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