//// Certified Organic Brown Rice by Bali Jiwa per 100g – Alive Wholefoods
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Certified Organic Brown Rice by Bali Jiwa per 100g

Rp 3.000

Product Information

Certified Organic Brown Rice by Bali Jiwa per 100g   Engage Organic for better living, Gluten Free. Free of Preservationand...Read more

Product Information Detail

Certified Organic Brown Rice by Bali Jiwa per 100g


Engage Organic for better living, Gluten Free.

Free of Preservationand artificial coloring. Free of chemical pesticide, GMO free.


Brown rice is a highly nutritious grain. It is good for the heart, aids digestion and may reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and high cholesterol. ... White rice was once brown rice, but the hull and bran around the kernel are removed to make it white.

This rice is au natural!










Certified Organic Brown Rice by Bali Jiwa per 100g


Engage Organic for better living, Gluten Free.

Free of Preservationand artificial coloring. Free of chemical pesticide, GMO free.


Brown rice is a highly nutritious grain. It is good for the heart, aids digestion and may reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and high cholesterol. ... White rice was once brown rice, but the hull and bran around the kernel are removed to make it white.

This rice is au natural!










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