//// Chicken Yummy by FitMeals 345g – Alive Wholefoods
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Chicken Yummy by FitMeals 345g

Rp 81.000

Product Information

The FitMeal  recipes and processes is created by the French MasterChef. All meal packs are without a fail, delicious and fresh...Read more

Product Information Detail

The FitMeal  recipes and processes is created by the French MasterChef. All meal packs are without a fail, delicious and fresh tasting as we calculate every gram of ingredients and choose only top quality produce.


Gluten Free, Diary Free

Nutrition Info: 393cal // 9g fat// 47g Carb// 29g Protein.


Ingredients :

Ground Chicken leg (skin free) , Sweet Potato, White Onion, Sweet Corn, Leek, Dupuy Lentil, Bacon, Tomatoes, Natural Chicken Broth, Coconut Milk, Fresh Parsley, Organic Bali Sea Salt, Crushed Pepper.


Preparation Instruction :

  • Defost meal by removing from Freezer and plaing it in your fridge overnight or 12 hours.
  • Removed lid and peel off plastic seal on top of containner.
  • Stovetop, Pour entire food content into a pot or pan, cook overlow - medium heat on stovetop until desired temperature.

Or  Microwave, Leave food inside the container or pour content on a palte/bowl. Heat in     Microwave fow 1:30 - 2 min. Remove, Stir, and put back in anothe 1:30 - 2 min!

Eat & Enjoy!!


The FitMeal  recipes and processes is created by the French MasterChef. All meal packs are without a fail, delicious and fresh tasting as we calculate every gram of ingredients and choose only top quality produce.


Gluten Free, Diary Free

Nutrition Info: 393cal // 9g fat// 47g Carb// 29g Protein.


Ingredients :

Ground Chicken leg (skin free) , Sweet Potato, White Onion, Sweet Corn, Leek, Dupuy Lentil, Bacon, Tomatoes, Natural Chicken Broth, Coconut Milk, Fresh Parsley, Organic Bali Sea Salt, Crushed Pepper.


Preparation Instruction :

  • Defost meal by removing from Freezer and plaing it in your fridge overnight or 12 hours.
  • Removed lid and peel off plastic seal on top of containner.
  • Stovetop, Pour entire food content into a pot or pan, cook overlow - medium heat on stovetop until desired temperature.

Or  Microwave, Leave food inside the container or pour content on a palte/bowl. Heat in     Microwave fow 1:30 - 2 min. Remove, Stir, and put back in anothe 1:30 - 2 min!

Eat & Enjoy!!


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