//// Clove Essential Oil by Utama Spice 10ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Clove Essential Oil by Utama Spice 10ml

Rp 610.000

Product Information

Extracted from the dried flower buds of clove, this essential oil has numerous medicinal properties. Commonly used in dental care...Read more

Product Information Detail

Extracted from the dried flower buds of clove, this essential oil has numerous medicinal properties. Commonly used in dental care to treat toothaches and mouth sores, the pain relieving and warming qualities of clove make it ideal for soothing muscle pain and stimulating both blood circulation and metabolism. The high number of antioxidants in clove oil can protect skin cells from free radical damage and premature aging. In skincare products, clove has the ability to lessen wrinkles and sagging skin by stimulating blood flow for facial rejuvenation.
• Spicy aroma.
• Provides a warming quality that soothes muscles.
• Improves circulation for radiant skin.


Extracted from the dried flower buds of clove, this essential oil has numerous medicinal properties. Commonly used in dental care to treat toothaches and mouth sores, the pain relieving and warming qualities of clove make it ideal for soothing muscle pain and stimulating both blood circulation and metabolism. The high number of antioxidants in clove oil can protect skin cells from free radical damage and premature aging. In skincare products, clove has the ability to lessen wrinkles and sagging skin by stimulating blood flow for facial rejuvenation.
• Spicy aroma.
• Provides a warming quality that soothes muscles.
• Improves circulation for radiant skin.


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