//// Coconut Banana Granola Bites by East Bali Cashews 125g – Alive Wholefoods
All product / Cereals / Coconut Banana Granola Bites by East Bali Cashews 125g

Coconut Banana Granola Bites by East Bali Cashews 125g

Rp 29.000

Product Information

Delishious snacks! Warning - these things are hard to stop eating!!AND you are supporting women from the north regions of...Read more

Product Information Detail

Delishious snacks! Warning - these things are hard to stop eating!!

AND you are supporting women from the north regions of Bali when you purchase these yummy bites!!


Delishious snacks! Warning - these things are hard to stop eating!!

AND you are supporting women from the north regions of Bali when you purchase these yummy bites!!


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