//// Coconut Husk Scrub by Ibu Bumi – Alive Wholefoods
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Coconut Husk Scrub by Ibu Bumi

Rp 39.000

Product Information

The Husky Hank loves a good scrubbing - dirty pots, pans, greasy utensils & stove tops is where he loves...Read more

Product Information Detail

The Husky Hank loves a good scrubbing - dirty pots, pans, greasy utensils & stove tops is where he loves to play.

First directions - Rinse Hank well to remove any husk dusk

P.S Husky Hank also loves body scrubbing in the shower!

All made with love here in Bali.


The Husky Hank loves a good scrubbing - dirty pots, pans, greasy utensils & stove tops is where he loves to play.

First directions - Rinse Hank well to remove any husk dusk

P.S Husky Hank also loves body scrubbing in the shower!

All made with love here in Bali.


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