//// Dijon Mustard by Clovis – Alive Wholefoods
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Dijon Mustard by Clovis

Rp 49.000

Product Information

The Clovis Dijon mustard is a great classic in French cooking. Characterized by its very high mustard seed content, this...Read more

Product Information Detail

The Clovis Dijon mustard is a great classic in French cooking. Characterized by its very high mustard seed content, this mustard assures a powerful and hot taste. It can be widely used in the kitchen and is particularly adapted to different warm uses. It blends with all your dishes: meat, fish, vegetables, seafood salads and sauces.
Ingredients: Water, mustard seeds, vinegar, salt, preservative: sodium bisulfite.


The Clovis Dijon mustard is a great classic in French cooking. Characterized by its very high mustard seed content, this mustard assures a powerful and hot taste. It can be widely used in the kitchen and is particularly adapted to different warm uses. It blends with all your dishes: meat, fish, vegetables, seafood salads and sauces.
Ingredients: Water, mustard seeds, vinegar, salt, preservative: sodium bisulfite.


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