//// Dried Apple Ring per 100g – Alive Wholefoods
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Dried Apple Ring per 100g

Rp 23.000

Product Information

Dried Fruit Apple Ring 100gr   One of the main benefits of dehydrated apples is their dietary fiber content. A...Read more

Product Information Detail

Dried Fruit Apple Ring 100gr


One of the main benefits of dehydrated apples is their dietary fiber content. A half-cup serving of the dried fruit contains 3.7 grams of dietary fiber. ... Since fiber helps keep you satisfied after a meal, dehydrated apples make for a filling snack.


Dried Fruit Apple Ring 100gr


One of the main benefits of dehydrated apples is their dietary fiber content. A half-cup serving of the dried fruit contains 3.7 grams of dietary fiber. ... Since fiber helps keep you satisfied after a meal, dehydrated apples make for a filling snack.


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