//// Dried Figs per 100g – Alive Wholefoods

Dried Figs per 100g

Rp 24.000

Product Information

New delicious variant of dried figs from Turkey. Grab a handful of dried figs the next time you need to...Read more

Product Information Detail

New delicious variant of dried figs from Turkey.

Grab a handful of dried figs the next time you need to quench a craving for sweets. They’re fat-free and low enough in calories that you won’t ruin your diet. Because dried figs are a good source of fiber, which makes you feel full, they may even help you lose weight. The mix of complex carbohydrates and minerals you’ll get from dried figs makes them a nutritious choice for a snack.


New delicious variant of dried figs from Turkey.

Grab a handful of dried figs the next time you need to quench a craving for sweets. They’re fat-free and low enough in calories that you won’t ruin your diet. Because dried figs are a good source of fiber, which makes you feel full, they may even help you lose weight. The mix of complex carbohydrates and minerals you’ll get from dried figs makes them a nutritious choice for a snack.


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