//// Dried Garam Masala per 100g – Alive Wholefoods
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Dried Garam Masala per 100g

Rp 30.000

Product Information

Garam Masala is a warming blend of herbs and spices.The unique combination of spices in Garam Masala have long been...Read more

Product Information Detail

Garam Masala

is a warming blend of herbs and spices.

The unique combination of spices in Garam Masala have long been prized in traditional medicine for their ability to warm the body, which is often associated with aiding digestion and helping alleviate numerous health ailments. The ingredients used, individually, also contain loads of essential vitamins and nutrients, as well as antioxidant properties. Garam masala is used to add heat and flavour to both meat, vegetarian and savoury dishes. 


Garam Masala

is a warming blend of herbs and spices.

The unique combination of spices in Garam Masala have long been prized in traditional medicine for their ability to warm the body, which is often associated with aiding digestion and helping alleviate numerous health ailments. The ingredients used, individually, also contain loads of essential vitamins and nutrients, as well as antioxidant properties. Garam masala is used to add heat and flavour to both meat, vegetarian and savoury dishes. 


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