//// Dried Rosemary per 50g – Alive Wholefoods
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Dried Rosemary per 50g

Rp 14.600

Product Information

Rosemary  50g The needle-like leaves of rosemary are an excellent addition to herbal teas and seasoning blends. The dried herb also...Read more

Product Information Detail

Rosemary  50g


The needle-like leaves of rosemary are an excellent addition to herbal teas and seasoning blends. The dried herb also lends its aromatic qualities to incense and potpourri blends. ... It's a common culinary herb in Mediterranean and Italian cooking. However, it's also been used as a good luck charm.


Rosemary  50g


The needle-like leaves of rosemary are an excellent addition to herbal teas and seasoning blends. The dried herb also lends its aromatic qualities to incense and potpourri blends. ... It's a common culinary herb in Mediterranean and Italian cooking. However, it's also been used as a good luck charm.


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