//// Face Cleanser by Angelo Store 100ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Face Cleanser by Angelo Store 100ml

- 22%Rp 95.000Rp 75.000

Product Information

All Natural Face Cleanser It's good for face cleanser, remove impurities, lightening (reduce pigmentation or refers to brightening the pigmentation...Read more

Product Information Detail

All Natural Face Cleanser

It's good for face cleanser, remove impurities, lightening (reduce pigmentation or refers to brightening the pigmentation in face by targeting melanin), antiseptic, to flawless & radian skin, also can help to remove face make-up & dust.


Natural face cleanser contains extract from Coconut oil, Jojoba, Aloevera, Avocado, Grape, Green Tea, Camomile.




All Natural Face Cleanser

It's good for face cleanser, remove impurities, lightening (reduce pigmentation or refers to brightening the pigmentation in face by targeting melanin), antiseptic, to flawless & radian skin, also can help to remove face make-up & dust.


Natural face cleanser contains extract from Coconut oil, Jojoba, Aloevera, Avocado, Grape, Green Tea, Camomile.




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