//// Face Mist Calming 100ml By Embun – Alive Wholefoods
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Face Mist Calming 100ml By Embun

Rp 90.000

Product Information

Enjoy the soothing benefits of essential oils blend that is specifically formulated to calm senses and provide and instant relaxation...Read more

Product Information Detail

Enjoy the soothing benefits of essential oils blend that is specifically formulated to calm senses and provide and instant relaxation to your stressful day. Use a restoring spritz as a hydrating pick-me-up throughout the day. It smells incredible and not only pamper your skin but also your mind.


Enjoy the soothing benefits of essential oils blend that is specifically formulated to calm senses and provide and instant relaxation to your stressful day. Use a restoring spritz as a hydrating pick-me-up throughout the day. It smells incredible and not only pamper your skin but also your mind.


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