//// Frankincense Essential Oil by Utama Spice 10 ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Frankincense Essential Oil by Utama Spice 10 ml

Rp 166.000

Product Information

Frankincense oil comes from the resin of the Boswellia serrata tree and has been part of therapeutic healing for thousands...Read more

Product Information Detail

Frankincense oil comes from the resin of the Boswellia serrata tree and has been part of therapeutic healing for thousands of years. Its benefits are plentiful, starting with the ability to reduce stress levels and dispel negative emotions to promote calming. Frankincense can strengthen skin and improve skin tone, while lifting skin that sags. It can help to fade stretch marks and scars, soothe redness, and heal dry, cracked skin. Assists in the treatment of pain-related conditions that affect the muscles, joints, and tendons.
• Warm, rich scent.
• Reduces appearance of stretch marks and skin blemishes.
• Relaxing and calming.


Frankincense oil comes from the resin of the Boswellia serrata tree and has been part of therapeutic healing for thousands of years. Its benefits are plentiful, starting with the ability to reduce stress levels and dispel negative emotions to promote calming. Frankincense can strengthen skin and improve skin tone, while lifting skin that sags. It can help to fade stretch marks and scars, soothe redness, and heal dry, cracked skin. Assists in the treatment of pain-related conditions that affect the muscles, joints, and tendons.
• Warm, rich scent.
• Reduces appearance of stretch marks and skin blemishes.
• Relaxing and calming.


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