//// Frozen Wheatgrass by Verdure 10x 30ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Frozen Wheatgrass by Verdure 10x 30ml

Rp 120.000

Product Information

Organic frozen wheatgrass = 1kg of veggies! An awesome fast way to get in amazing nutrition to your daily diet.TO...Read more

Product Information Detail

Organic frozen wheatgrass = 1kg of veggies! An awesome fast way to get in amazing nutrition to your daily diet.
TO SERVE: Blend into smoothies, defrost and have by itself or mix with other juices.
Organic frozen wheatgrass = 1kg of veggies! An awesome fast way to get in amazing nutrition to your daily diet.
TO SERVE: Blend into smoothies, defrost and have by itself or mix with other juices.


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