//// Ghee Indian Clarified Butter 220ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Ghee Indian Clarified Butter 220ml

Rp 83.000

Product Information

Made in Bali (with non-organic milk) Ghee is the form of clarified butter, originated in Ancient India. Commonly used in...Read more

Product Information Detail

Made in Bali (with non-organic milk)
Ghee is the form of clarified butter, originated in Ancient India. Commonly used in India Cuisine, traditional medicines and religiious rituals.

AMMA Ghee is highly clarified and made to high Smoke Point, thus have a strong aroma and nutty flavor. Makes it suitable for medication intakes and deep-frying.

Contains almost no lactose, therefore acceptable to most whole lactose or milk allergy


Made in Bali (with non-organic milk)
Ghee is the form of clarified butter, originated in Ancient India. Commonly used in India Cuisine, traditional medicines and religiious rituals.

AMMA Ghee is highly clarified and made to high Smoke Point, thus have a strong aroma and nutty flavor. Makes it suitable for medication intakes and deep-frying.

Contains almost no lactose, therefore acceptable to most whole lactose or milk allergy


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