//// Giant Green Olive in Brine 300ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Giant Green Olive in Brine 300ml

Rp 42.000

Product Information

Olives are low in cholesterol and a good source of dietary fiber, which the body needs for good gut health....Read more

Product Information Detail

Olives are low in cholesterol and a good source of dietary fiber, which the body needs for good gut health. They are also high in minerals that the body requires to function, such as iron and copper. However, it is best to consume olives in moderation, as producers usually preserve them in brine that is high in salt.


Olives are low in cholesterol and a good source of dietary fiber, which the body needs for good gut health. They are also high in minerals that the body requires to function, such as iron and copper. However, it is best to consume olives in moderation, as producers usually preserve them in brine that is high in salt.


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