//// Grounded Coffee 250g by Sure-Co – Alive Wholefoods
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Grounded Coffee 250g by Sure-Co

Rp 159.000

Product Information

Sure-Co  Coffee grounded 250gr Single-origin 100% Arabica Coffee from Bajawa and Ende, Flores. Sweet flavor, medium roasted, fully washed Su-re.co...Read more

Product Information Detail

Sure-Co  Coffee grounded 250gr Single-origin 100% Arabica Coffee from Bajawa and Ende, Flores.

Sweet flavor, medium roasted, fully washed

Su-re.co has been installing biogas digesters to provide clean, renewable energy for farmers community in Ngada, Bajawa.

Flavour Notes: Brown Sugar, Chocolate, Orange, Pineapple


Sure-Co  Coffee grounded 250gr Single-origin 100% Arabica Coffee from Bajawa and Ende, Flores.

Sweet flavor, medium roasted, fully washed

Su-re.co has been installing biogas digesters to provide clean, renewable energy for farmers community in Ngada, Bajawa.

Flavour Notes: Brown Sugar, Chocolate, Orange, Pineapple


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