//// Handy Wash CleanAF by Republic of Soap 1lt – Alive Wholefoods
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Handy Wash CleanAF by Republic of Soap 1lt

Rp 220.000

Product Information

Handy Wash cleanAF clear hand soap refill pouch Antimicrobial Forming Sterile saline fortified base for hand washing to decrease microbial...Read more

Product Information Detail

Handy Wash cleanAF clear hand soap refill pouch


  • Sterile saline fortified base for hand washing to decrease microbial activity on the skin
  • Powerfully effective ~ skill bacteria in under 30 seconds, inactivates viruses in under 2 minutes and kill yeast and fungi
  • Contains a powerfully synergistic blend of pure essential oils for broad spectrum efficacy
  • Non toxic, biodegradable, and non cumulative in the eco system, making it environmentally friendly

Handy Wash cleanAF clear hand soap refill pouch


  • Sterile saline fortified base for hand washing to decrease microbial activity on the skin
  • Powerfully effective ~ skill bacteria in under 30 seconds, inactivates viruses in under 2 minutes and kill yeast and fungi
  • Contains a powerfully synergistic blend of pure essential oils for broad spectrum efficacy
  • Non toxic, biodegradable, and non cumulative in the eco system, making it environmentally friendly


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