//// Hidden Vege Pasta Sauce/ Soup 500g – Alive Wholefoods
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Hidden Vege Pasta Sauce/ Soup 500g

Rp 42.000

Product Information

Homemade Organic Vege Pasta Sauce. Blended in spy-mode so the veggies cant been seen! Yummy too.... Made From Fresh Organic...Read more

Product Information Detail

Homemade Organic Vege Pasta Sauce. Blended in spy-mode so the veggies cant been seen! Yummy too....

Made From Fresh Organic Produce - Tasty & Free Of Additives!


Ingredients: Tomato, Zucchini, Carrot, Celery, Capsicum, Garlic, Onion, Organic Vege Stock,Tomato Pure, Paprika, Fresh Basil, Herbs And Spices,  Coconut Oil.

100% Natural - Delivered Frozen



Homemade Organic Vege Pasta Sauce. Blended in spy-mode so the veggies cant been seen! Yummy too....

Made From Fresh Organic Produce - Tasty & Free Of Additives!


Ingredients: Tomato, Zucchini, Carrot, Celery, Capsicum, Garlic, Onion, Organic Vege Stock,Tomato Pure, Paprika, Fresh Basil, Herbs And Spices,  Coconut Oil.

100% Natural - Delivered Frozen



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