//// KAF Dehydrated Rice Vermicelli 200g – Alive Wholefoods
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KAF Dehydrated Rice Vermicelli 200g

Rp 19.000

Product Information

KAF Dehydrated Rice Vermicelli can be prepared as soup, stir fried, atc according to required tasted Direction for use: Put...Read more

Product Information Detail

KAF Dehydrated Rice Vermicelli can be prepared as soup, stir fried, atc according to required tasted
Direction for use: Put rice verimicelli into normal water for 20-30 minutes and then drain

Ingredients : rice flour


KAF Dehydrated Rice Vermicelli can be prepared as soup, stir fried, atc according to required tasted
Direction for use: Put rice verimicelli into normal water for 20-30 minutes and then drain

Ingredients : rice flour


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