//// Minced Beef, Grass Fed 250gr by Local Parts – Alive Wholefoods
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Minced Beef, Grass Fed 250gr by Local Parts

Rp 80.000

Product Information

Origin - Bali, Payangan Organic Farming Farm/Producer - Pastured, grass fed, chemical and hormone free Bali beef, originating from the...Read more

Product Information Detail

Origin - Bali, Payangan
Organic Farming

Farm/Producer - Pastured, grass fed, chemical and hormone free Bali beef, originating from the Javan 'Banteng' breed.


Our mince meat is from the leg and we add an additional 20% fat for the ideal mince texture.  Perfect for meatball, meatloaf or homemade burgers.

Other Details

Vacuum packed


Origin - Bali, Payangan
Organic Farming

Farm/Producer - Pastured, grass fed, chemical and hormone free Bali beef, originating from the Javan 'Banteng' breed.


Our mince meat is from the leg and we add an additional 20% fat for the ideal mince texture.  Perfect for meatball, meatloaf or homemade burgers.

Other Details

Vacuum packed


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