//// Mozzarella Cheese 250g – Alive Wholefoods
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Mozzarella Cheese 250g

Rp 47.000

Product Information

  Mozzarella cheese is a sliceable curd cheeseoriginating in Italy. Traditional Mozzarella cheese is made from milk of water buffalos herded in very few...Read more

Product Information Detail


Mozzarella cheese is a sliceable curd cheeseoriginating in Italy. Traditional Mozzarella cheese is made from milk of water buffalos herded in very few countries such as Italy and Bulgaria. As a result, most of the Mozzarella cheeses available now are made from cow's milk.



Mozzarella cheese is a sliceable curd cheeseoriginating in Italy. Traditional Mozzarella cheese is made from milk of water buffalos herded in very few countries such as Italy and Bulgaria. As a result, most of the Mozzarella cheeses available now are made from cow's milk.


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