//// Natural Liquid Stevia Sweetener 15ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Natural Liquid Stevia Sweetener 15ml

Rp 65.000

Product Information

All Natural, Zero calories Ingredients : Stevia Rebaudiana, Purified water How to Use : Mix 2-3 drops (as much as...Read more

Product Information Detail

All Natural, Zero calories
Ingredients : Stevia Rebaudiana, Purified water

How to Use :
Mix 2-3 drops (as much as you need) to a cup of tea, coffee, yoghurt, milk or any kind of drink


All Natural, Zero calories
Ingredients : Stevia Rebaudiana, Purified water

How to Use :
Mix 2-3 drops (as much as you need) to a cup of tea, coffee, yoghurt, milk or any kind of drink


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