//// Organic Acai Powder per 50g – Alive Wholefoods
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Organic Acai Powder per 50g

Rp 95.000

Product Information

ORIGIN: from Belem do Para, Amazon Forest - Brazil (South America ) An Excellent Source of Antioxidants, Omega 6 and...Read more

Product Information Detail

ORIGIN: from Belem do Para, Amazon Forest - Brazil (South America )

  • An Excellent Source of Antioxidants, Omega 6 and 9 Fatty Acids, Calcium and Potassium
  • Add to Drinks and Smoothies, Mix with our Coconut Milk Powders, Sprinkle on Ice Cream or Add to Your Baking and Icing for a Natural Purple Colouring! Deep Purple Colour and Rich Taste

USAGE SUGGESTION: The ratio is 1:7 (1gr açai extract for 7ml of water) but if you want it super concentrated, use the 1:5 ratio


ORIGIN: from Belem do Para, Amazon Forest - Brazil (South America )

  • An Excellent Source of Antioxidants, Omega 6 and 9 Fatty Acids, Calcium and Potassium
  • Add to Drinks and Smoothies, Mix with our Coconut Milk Powders, Sprinkle on Ice Cream or Add to Your Baking and Icing for a Natural Purple Colouring! Deep Purple Colour and Rich Taste

USAGE SUGGESTION: The ratio is 1:7 (1gr açai extract for 7ml of water) but if you want it super concentrated, use the 1:5 ratio


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