//// Organic Romaine Lettuce 250g Bunch – Alive Wholefoods
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Organic Romaine Lettuce 250g Bunch

Rp 15.000

Product Information

Organic Romaine Lettuce Bunch Approx. 250g ?Delivered wrapped in banana leaf ? *price may vary slightly with weight   Romaine...Read more

Product Information Detail

Organic Romaine Lettuce Bunch

Approx. 250g

?Delivered wrapped in banana leaf ?

*price may vary slightly with weight


Romaine lettuce is a crispy salad green packed with nutritional content.

The vitamins and minerals in romaine lettuce may contribute to some health benefits, and there are many simple ways to add romaine to the diet.


A dieter's dream, romaine lettuce has about 8 calories and 1-2 grams of carbohydrates per cup. Although it's low in fiber, it's high in minerals, such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium. It's naturally low in sodium. Plus, romaine lettuce is packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate


Organic Romaine Lettuce Bunch

Approx. 250g

?Delivered wrapped in banana leaf ?

*price may vary slightly with weight


Romaine lettuce is a crispy salad green packed with nutritional content.

The vitamins and minerals in romaine lettuce may contribute to some health benefits, and there are many simple ways to add romaine to the diet.


A dieter's dream, romaine lettuce has about 8 calories and 1-2 grams of carbohydrates per cup. Although it's low in fiber, it's high in minerals, such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium. It's naturally low in sodium. Plus, romaine lettuce is packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate


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