//// Organic Sugar Snap Peas per 250g – Alive Wholefoods
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Organic Sugar Snap Peas per 250g

Rp 24.750

Product Information

Snow peas, also known as Chinese sugar peas, are immature pea pods in the legume family vegetables, commonly featuring in...Read more

Product Information Detail

Snow peas, also known as Chinese sugar peas, are immature pea pods in the legume family vegetables, commonly featuring in the stir-fried dishes. They primarily differ from the common garden peas in that their whole pod, including peel, is eaten.

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Snow peas, also known as Chinese sugar peas, are immature pea pods in the legume family vegetables, commonly featuring in the stir-fried dishes. They primarily differ from the common garden peas in that their whole pod, including peel, is eaten.


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