//// Blanched Kenari Nuts per 100g – Alive Wholefoods
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Blanched Kenari Nuts per 100g

Rp 38.500

Product Information

These tasty nuts, local to Indonesia are grown suporting sustainable agroforestry value chains in Ambon, Maluku! They taste like a...Read more

Product Information Detail

These tasty nuts, local to Indonesia are grown suporting sustainable agroforestry value chains in Ambon, Maluku!

They taste like a mix of Almond & Macadamia....

Properties: Vitamin E, Magnesium, Phosphor, Iron, Potassium, Manganese are a few significant vitamins and minerals that Kenari Nuts are well known for, making these creamy and soft texture nuts a well-known healthy food staple among the locals for generations.


These tasty nuts, local to Indonesia are grown suporting sustainable agroforestry value chains in Ambon, Maluku!

They taste like a mix of Almond & Macadamia....

Properties: Vitamin E, Magnesium, Phosphor, Iron, Potassium, Manganese are a few significant vitamins and minerals that Kenari Nuts are well known for, making these creamy and soft texture nuts a well-known healthy food staple among the locals for generations.


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