//// Pistachios per 100gr – Alive Wholefoods
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Pistachios per 100gr

Rp 72.000

Product Information

NEW - PISTACHIOS Shell Free, Raw - Enjoy Pistachios as a snack, roasted, ground into flour, in smoothies, sprinkled on...Read more

Product Information Detail


Shell Free, Raw - Enjoy Pistachios as a snack, roasted, ground into flour, in smoothies, sprinkled on salads, added to cereal or even made into nut butter or pesto. Pistachios are high ins protein and fiber, magnesium and B6 among other vitamins. Even though they do contain healthy amounts of fat, if you are trying to keep of the extra weight, they're a great choice for a snack compared to other nuts as they have lower calories.



Shell Free, Raw - Enjoy Pistachios as a snack, roasted, ground into flour, in smoothies, sprinkled on salads, added to cereal or even made into nut butter or pesto. Pistachios are high ins protein and fiber, magnesium and B6 among other vitamins. Even though they do contain healthy amounts of fat, if you are trying to keep of the extra weight, they're a great choice for a snack compared to other nuts as they have lower calories.


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