//// Pitted Kalamata Olives 300ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Pitted Kalamata Olives 300ml

Rp 59.000

Product Information

The Kalamata olive is a large, dark purple olive with a smooth, meaty texture, named after the city of Kalamata...Read more

Product Information Detail

The Kalamata olive is a large, dark purple olive with a smooth, meaty texture, named after the city of Kalamata in the southern Peloponnese, Greece. Often used as table olives, they are a deliscious snack or great compliment to salads, pastas or cheese boards mmm-hhhmmm!


The Kalamata olive is a large, dark purple olive with a smooth, meaty texture, named after the city of Kalamata in the southern Peloponnese, Greece. Often used as table olives, they are a deliscious snack or great compliment to salads, pastas or cheese boards mmm-hhhmmm!


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