//// Plain Rolled Oats per 500g – Alive Wholefoods
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Plain Rolled Oats per 500g

Rp 23.000

Product Information

Origin from Autralia Oats have a well-balanced nutritional composition, and one serving (30 grams) of oats contains 117 calories. By...Read more

Product Information Detail

Origin from Autralia

Oats have a well-balanced nutritional composition, and one serving (30 grams) of oats contains 117 calories.

By weight, raw oats are 66% carbohydrates, 17% protein, 7% fat and 11% fiber.


Benefits of Oats

- Oats Are Incredibly Nutritious

- Whole Oats Are Rich in Antioxidants, Including Avenanthramides

- Oats Contain a Powerful Soluble Fiber Called Beta-Glucan

- They Can Lower Cholesterol Levels and Protect LDL Cholesterol From Damage

- Oats Can Improve Blood Sugar Control

- Oatmeal Is Very Filling and May Help You Lose Weight

- Finely Ground Oats May Help With Skin Care

- They May Decrease the Risk of Childhood Asthma

- Oats May Help Relieve Constipation



Origin from Autralia

Oats have a well-balanced nutritional composition, and one serving (30 grams) of oats contains 117 calories.

By weight, raw oats are 66% carbohydrates, 17% protein, 7% fat and 11% fiber.


Benefits of Oats

- Oats Are Incredibly Nutritious

- Whole Oats Are Rich in Antioxidants, Including Avenanthramides

- Oats Contain a Powerful Soluble Fiber Called Beta-Glucan

- They Can Lower Cholesterol Levels and Protect LDL Cholesterol From Damage

- Oats Can Improve Blood Sugar Control

- Oatmeal Is Very Filling and May Help You Lose Weight

- Finely Ground Oats May Help With Skin Care

- They May Decrease the Risk of Childhood Asthma

- Oats May Help Relieve Constipation



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