//// Polenta Cornmeal 100gram – Alive Wholefoods
All product / Bulk Flours / Polenta Cornmeal 100gram

Polenta Cornmeal 100gram

Rp 9.500

Product Information

Great For gluten free and vegan dishes . this mildy flavored cereal makes a great base for veggies instead of...Read more

Product Information Detail

Great For gluten free and vegan dishes .

this mildy flavored cereal makes a great base for veggies instead of rice , to thicken sauces and to compliment proteins . it can be also be used to make polenta fries or to replace pasta sheets in lasagna.


Great For gluten free and vegan dishes .

this mildy flavored cereal makes a great base for veggies instead of rice , to thicken sauces and to compliment proteins . it can be also be used to make polenta fries or to replace pasta sheets in lasagna.


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