//// Probiotic Chicken Thigh 600gr by Berkah Chicken – Alive Wholefoods
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Probiotic Chicken Thigh 600gr by Berkah Chicken

Rp 78.000

Product Information

Probiotic Chicken Thigh Approx 600gr Total price varies depending on exact weight. No preseravatives or additives. Conventional meat. Chicken feeded...Read more

Product Information Detail

Probiotic Chicken Thigh

Approx 600gr

Total price varies depending on exact weight.

No preseravatives or additives.

Conventional meat.

Chicken feeded organic rice and vegetables

Probiotic-Prebiotic Chicken produced from the Organic Farming system which we refer to as the "Green Farming System". So that the resulting product is healthier, free of antibiotics, free of pesticides and synthetic hormones.





Probiotic Chicken Thigh

Approx 600gr

Total price varies depending on exact weight.

No preseravatives or additives.

Conventional meat.

Chicken feeded organic rice and vegetables

Probiotic-Prebiotic Chicken produced from the Organic Farming system which we refer to as the "Green Farming System". So that the resulting product is healthier, free of antibiotics, free of pesticides and synthetic hormones.





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