//// Protection Auric Spray by Balipura 100ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Protection Auric Spray by Balipura 100ml

Rp 215.000

Product Information

This Auric Spray helps you clean, transmute negative vibrations and strengthen your energy field, making it vibrate at a higher...Read more

Product Information Detail

This Auric Spray helps you clean, transmute negative vibrations and strengthen your energy field, making it vibrate at a higher and more stable frequency so that denser vibrations dissolve, thus acting as a shield to other peoples negative projections. Where there is a more defined boundary between you and the rest and better definition of spaces.


Water, Grain Alcohol, 100% Pure Essential oils, Bach Flowers, homemade extracts.


They are all handmade with the finest quality crystals (they have been cleansed, activated and charged with its original life force) & Certified Organic pure essential oils. All blessed in a special Balinese Ceremony, immersed in a vibrational & sound-healing process, on a base of energetically cleansed spring water from our own natural spring in the heart of Bali’s volcanic mountains.


We receive a certificate of authenticity for every purchase we make of essential oils.


Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight, TV’s, microwaves & computers.


Keep in fridge if you live in a hot / humid area.


Its super refreshing to spray it cold, try it!


Shelf life is 1 year. Please check our best used before dates in the bottles.


This Auric Spray helps you clean, transmute negative vibrations and strengthen your energy field, making it vibrate at a higher and more stable frequency so that denser vibrations dissolve, thus acting as a shield to other peoples negative projections. Where there is a more defined boundary between you and the rest and better definition of spaces.


Water, Grain Alcohol, 100% Pure Essential oils, Bach Flowers, homemade extracts.


They are all handmade with the finest quality crystals (they have been cleansed, activated and charged with its original life force) & Certified Organic pure essential oils. All blessed in a special Balinese Ceremony, immersed in a vibrational & sound-healing process, on a base of energetically cleansed spring water from our own natural spring in the heart of Bali’s volcanic mountains.


We receive a certificate of authenticity for every purchase we make of essential oils.


Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight, TV’s, microwaves & computers.


Keep in fridge if you live in a hot / humid area.


Its super refreshing to spray it cold, try it!


Shelf life is 1 year. Please check our best used before dates in the bottles.


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